About​ Us

Welcome to Webcroni.com

Hi, first of all, a warm welcome to Webcroni.com. This page will help you know the purpose of this website-cum-blog. To learn about us, kindly read all the information provided here.

Here, on Webcroni.com, you will get essential web guides for beginners and experts. However, if you need additional help with something (related to website development using WordPress and online marketing), you can talk to us at hello@webcroni.com.

Thank you so much for your time and support. If you have any feedback about this website, please do share it with us.

Webcroni Team


Making internet users website friendly so that they can create, customize their own website and understand essential web terms.


In this era of digitization, running a business without an online presence is like opening a store but not wanting customers.


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The story behind Webcroni name ????

You must be wondering about the name. Why did I choose Webcroni for this website? Ok let me tell you a short story:

“One day, I was helping my friend with his WordPress website, it was taking long, and I was starving too. Then he ordered Macroni Pasta from a nearby restaurant.

I was helping him with his website while eating the Macroni. After a few days later, I thought about helping other people (like my friends) create and understand the process of Website development.

That day I came up with this name: Webcroni. I chose it because I started this website after getting the idea of helping with the Website while eating Macroni. So, Website+Macroni became Webcroni“.

If you liked the story and the Name, share your views and feedback with us.

Happy WordPressing!